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pytreemap is a Python implementation of Java TreeMap/TreeSet. Most of the TreeMap/TreeSet APIs are implemented with some exceptions. Please go to the TreeMap section or TreeSet section for the full list of implemented APIs.

The underlying data structure is the Red-Black tree and offers \(O(\text{log}\ n)\) time complexity for search (get()), insert (put()), delete (remove()), and many other operations.

Same as Java TreeMap/TreeSet, this implementation is NOT synchronized, you MUST do synchronization yourself in multi-threaded applications.

The iterators returned by the TreeMap/TreeSet are fail-fast, meaning that an exception is thrown as soon as a structural change to the TreeMap/TreeSet is discovered.


You should not rely on the fail-fast behaviour while testing your programs correctness. There is no guarantee that structural changes to the TreeMap/TreeSet are always caught.

Source code is available on GitHub.